FEMA Public Assistance Technical Assistance Contract
March 30, 2020
Crisis Management Planning and Training
March 29, 2020

The United States power delivery system is incredibly complex. It consists of a visible network of generating units, substations, transmission lines, distribution lines, and other components. It also includes the less visible devices that sense and report on the state of the system, including the automatic and human controls operating the system and the intricate web of IT and communication systems tying everything together. This system carries electricity from large central generation facilities to customers throughout the country. It is fragile and inherently vulnerable due to its age and because transmission lines often span hundreds of miles, and many key facilities are unguarded.


In 2015, iParametrics was awarded a multi-year contract to act as the security consultant for one of the nation’s largest multi-state electric transmission utilities to ensure system security and resilience. Our client is one of the largest providers of electricity in the United States encompassing over $4 billion in assets and transmitting more than 30 billion kilowatt-hours of power through an integrated 17,000+ circuit-mile transmission system across 15 central and western states. The system provides power to hundreds of communities and over 40 million consumers throughout the United States.


Under this program, iParametrics developed an enterprise-wide security planning program by performing physical security and risk assessments of system assets with the goal of ensuring power transmission and distribution systems are less vulnerable to natural and malevolent disruptions. The project included over 300 sites across the utility’s service region.


iParametrics assessed the agency's Bulk Electric System (BES) connections and supporting facilities, including headquarters facilities, regional offices, high-voltage and extra-high-voltage transmission stations and substations, dozens of dams, solar, and wind power generating stations, operations centers, and maintenance facilities. We performed threat and vulnerability assessments, analyzed existing physical security measures, electronic security systems, policies, procedures, and practices in each location, and provided findings and recommendations, parametric system design, and cost budgets for corrective action to enhance the utility’s enterprise security program.


This four-year contract spanned over 300 facilities across 15 states and required an aggressive completion schedule framed by the customer's budgeting cycle. Due to the overarching and complex nature of the project, it required input, collaboration, and engagement with utility leaders and employees, private and public sector power providers, federal, state, and local regulating authorities, law enforcement, and security staff. All work was completed on time and within budget. iParametrics received performance assessment ratings, which measure the project quality and performance, of Very Good to Exceptional throughout the term of the engagement.

Given what I know today about the contractor's ability to perform in accordance with this contract / order's most significant requirements, I would highly recommend them for similar requirements in the future.
Utility Contracting Officer