A comprehensive grants management program for any new federal funding would potentially include a citizen public-facing grant management system for individuals, businesses, and other entities to submit applications for relief funds. iParametrics has developed its Grant Management System (GMS) to support programs such as the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and other COVID-19-related funding sources.
The iParametrics GMS can be configured to any client's specific requirements and remain compliant with Federal policies. The GMS provides a streamlined solution from outreach through closeout. The configurable solution allows for complete management of program information that allows for the highest level of both process and program efficiency. We will deliver a web-based application to allow applicants to apply from anywhere.
The GMS is project-ready, meaning that it can be quickly configured to meet the needs of our clients, thereby saving you time and money by avoiding delays that come with custom solutions built from scratch.
Key Considerations of the GMS
- Our experience shows that one of the biggest delays in providing funding to impacted citizens and businesses is incomplete information or lack of documentation provided by the applicant. GMS is structured to encourage complete application submissions, including collection of supporting documents, required information, and applicant preferences like preferred language or communication method at the outset.
- Our skilled GMS support professionals link the program with analytics so our clients gets real-time updates to the application process, as needed. This unique advantage will be helpful as guidelines for the administration of funds through new and developing federal funding continues to be added and revised. By allowing updates to be made as they occur, we can guarantee little to no wait time for community applicants and ensure the program continues moving forward.
- The iParametrics GMS can also be configured to support multiple funding streams in a single program. The system can separate costs so the County knows which costs are to be charged to which grant funding source. This classification ensures costs are obligated from the appropriate grant without adding additional steps or bureaucracy to the program process.
- The iParametrics GMS utilizes analytical tools which enables our team to drive meaningful insight and optimize program execution. The analytics tool generates dashboards and KPIs based on best practices and tailored to the specific needs of the client's program.
Integrated Quality in the GMS
The iParametrics GMS System offers several automated, systems-driven, quality control measures built in. Some examples of these include:
- Automated Calculation of Award – The system uses various inputs, to be defined by the County, to auto-generate award calculations, greatly reducing the risk of human error.
- Collection of Applicant Self-Certification of Duplicative Benefit – Automates certification by applicants that they have not received assistance for the same expenses being provided by the program.
- Quality Control Checklists that Guard Against Human Error – Each quality control checklist contains system-based controls to prevent simple human error. For example, the eligibility review quality control checklist prevents a user from entering a determination of “eligible” unless each individual eligibility criteria are marked eligible.
- Flags for outliers – Unusual activity in the system can be flagged for additional QC review or audit before progressing to the next step. For example, if a typical award is between $5,000 - $15,000; an award recommendation of $25,000 could be flagged for an additional QC review prior to release.
Reporting and Dashboards
Reporting is a crucial component of administering a transparent, federally funded program and is required to ensure compliance with funding agencies like the US Treasury. As reporting requirements for new federal funding through the US Treasury are evolving, it is critical that grant management systems proactively collect information in the application intake process that may be required for reporting.
Data in the iParametrics GMS system can also be used to support a transparent recovery, leveraging data to produce internal or external facing dashboards and reports to keep the public, oversight entities, client staff, and other stakeholders informed throughout the program lifecycle. Keeping citizens and stakeholders informed builds public confidence in your program, as stakeholders are privy to progress as it unfolds, building trust that yours is not just another government program mired in bureaucracy.