iParametrics provides unique educational solutions for emergency management, security, and risk management. Our learning and curriculum development experts can work with you to craft the right solutions to meet your organization’s objectives. From the development of a single course to full learning management solutions, the iParametrics team is here for you no matter if you want instruction done in person or virtually. iParametrics has been providing training and conducting exercises on behalf of FEMA since 2005. We understand the importance of exercising plans to evaluate their effectiveness for guiding client operations.
Training, Exercises, and Learning Services:
- Training: iParametrics is skilled at providing training on a wide variety of topics specializing in emergency management, homeland security, and data analytics. Each training is custom designed and focused on achieving the goals and learning objectives of our clients. The iParametrics team retains instructors that are subject matter experts in a variety of fields including Incident Command System (ICS) / National Incident Management System (NIMS), the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP), data analytics, as well as current and critical topics such as the COVID-19 crisis. During our trainings, we provide an engaging environment that brings forward everyone’s perspectives and thoughts. After each training, we provide a summary of the conduct and items for future action.
- Learning Management System (LMS): Our team is supported by technology. In addition to providing an online learning platform, iParametrics’ LMS is used for the registration, exercise related training, and evaluation.
- Online Learning: iParametrics has expert instructional designers and online learning developers on staff to design, develop and deploy effective, interactive, and engaging environments for learning. When face-to-face training isn’t feasible, we provide online learning to address knowledge and skill gaps through a rigorous instructional design process that ensures goals and objectives are achieved. We host LMSs for organizations that do not have their own, and we provide courses that can be deployed directly into your LMS. Additionally, we evaluate the efficacy of the online learning in our LMS to make improvements on a regular basis to ensure quality content.
- Exercises: The iParametrics team is second to none when it comes to conducting exercises. We have a deep history in using HSEEP and have multiple FEMA-certified Master Exercise Practitioners (MEPs) on our team. This HSEEP expertise is buoyed with significant experience in emergency management at the state level. Our approach centers around utilizing HSEEP’s approach, “A progressive, multi-year exercise program enables jurisdictions/organizations to participate in a series of increasingly complex exercises, with each exercise building upon the previous one.” Regardless of exercise type, we design an exercise that is challenging, interactive, and encourages participants to reflect on the adequacy of plans, policies, procedures, and training to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from emergency management incidents. We work closely with the assigned Program Manager and the Exercise Planning Team to ensure we develop a scenario that keeps players engaged while meeting the goals of the exercise.
- After Action Reporting and Planning: The conduct of the exercise means nothing unless it facilitates improvement in plans, policies, procedures, and/or training. To that end, we take the after-action process seriously. We compile evaluator notes, hotwash notes, individual review comments, and other documentation and create a dynamic, realistic, and achievable After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP). The plan is shared with the client for factual review and consideration prior to finalizing the document. AAR/IPs aren’t only contained to exercises. The iParametrics team has completed numerous after-action reports and improvement plans for actual events. Our expert facilitators have been able to get to the root causes of strengths and areas for improvement that allow us to develop realistic, actionable improvement plans that consider our client’s realities and experience. Our team’s significant real-world experience will ensure that you have best practices to ensure future resilience.
Meet Erica Carter, MA, MEP, KCEM, our Director of Training & Exercises!

Erica is an expert trainer, planner, facilitator and exercise coordinator with more than 14 years of experience. She has designed and delivered hundreds of high-quality, engaging workshops, training programs and HSEEP-compliant exercises.
Erica has worked in the government, healthcare, and higher education industries.Erica has experience in writing institution-wide policies, plans, and procedures, and is skilled in the ability to identify areas of opportunity and strategic planning. Throughout her career, she has set the standard for exceptional preparedness products and innovative solutions across differing organizations and industries. Erica is a FEMA-certified Master Exercise Practitioner and is a Kansas Certified Emergency Manager.

The best time to prepare for a crisis is before the crisis strikes. Training provides an organization with
the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform key tasks required during times of crisis or emergency. Pre-event training and exercise programs greatly improve readiness as well as enhance organizational resilience. Post-event training is typically task-focused to rapidly socialize and train staff
on the more granular elements of the recovery effort. Click the portal below to access the iParametrics LMS.