Hurricane Sandy Recovery Assistance
February 9, 2020
FEMA Public Assistance (PA) Learning Management System
February 1, 2020In 2019, iParametrics was awarded a five-year contract as the county security consultant for a large county within the mid-Atlantic region.
To compete successfully for residents and investments, counties and cities have to create an environment where people want to live and investors want to place their resources. If effective strategies are not developed to reduce and contain safety and security risks, the consequences will be ever more serious, as communities will not be able to attract the people and investment which drive economic development and improve the standard of living for its citizens. Local governments are expected to take primary responsibility for protecting citizens and maintaining continuity of operations and services in the face of acute threats to safety and security. The County supports a population of over 350,000 people and is part of a tri-cities area which is adjacent to the state capital, exposing the County to unique risks.
The County wanted to engage a security consultant that could provide holistic and wide-ranging services to support all of its infrastructure, providing sound guidance and analysis of how to keep citizens, employees, and the public safe. In 2019, our team was awarded a five-year contract and was tasked with providing integrated physical security systems design, security and emergency planning and training, and physical security assessments for county infrastructure, including threat and vulnerability assessments and risk surveys.
iParametrics is currently performing physical security risk, threat, and vulnerability assessments on over 60 County sites, including the government complex, law enforcement facilities, airport, libraries, education, and other government facilities. We are assisting County staff with security and emergency planning, training, and exercises. In coordination with the County, we are developing and preparing design documents and performing budget development for multiple security improvements.
The project entails detailed evaluations of County facilities, staff, and plans with the goal of improving and enhancing the security and safety of employees and visitors in each County facility. Task order deliverables include a complete report of assessment findings and recommendations, including conceptual design of risk treatments and rough order-of-magnitude cost estimates for budgeting purposes.