Borough of Hamburg, New Jersey
April 23, 2024
Disaster Response Assistance and Grant Writing
March 7, 2024The City of Portland, Oregon, is home to over 650,000 people in the Pacific Northwest. The City’s Bureau of Emergency Management needed a consultant to support ongoing emergency situations affecting the City, including natural and man-made crisis events. The iParametrics team provided support for the Bureau within 24 hours notice in many cases, traveling across the United States to be on-site when needed.
In January 2023, the City of Portland’s Bureau of Emergency Management requested support to prepare for a possible strike of City employees. On February 2, 2023, 615 workers supporting critical infrastructure functions within the City went on strike. The City issued an Emergency Declaration to help address work stoppage and continuation of critical services, including wastewater, sewer, and transportation services to the community.
Within 24 hours, elements of the iParametrics Incident Management Team (IMT) mobilized to support the City’s planning and preparation process. Staff members assumed the role of Senior Advisor to the Incident Commander, Planning Section Chief, Incident Command System Situation Unit Leader (SITL), and Logistics Chief.
Throughout the first week, the team supported the City’s Policy and Leadership team as well as the City’s Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) with the development of City-wide Incident Action Plans, the development of Situation Reports to be used throughout the strike, and communications.
Throughout the week of the deployment, the IMT remained supportive and responsive to the City’s needs. The City requested resources through EMAC and other contracts for personnel and services to maintain the City’s essential functions while the City employees remained on strike.
The deployment showcased our adeptness at integrating with local government structures, providing leadership in crisis, and maintaining public services under duress. This operational success exemplifies our readiness to assist our clients in similar emergency situations, providing seasoned leadership and technical expertise.