iParametrics has been assisting clients throughout the country with COVID-19 response, including FEMA grant management support, finding personal protection equipment (PPE), and training. Let us help you too!
COVID-19 Recovery Support for Our Clients
iParametrics has been assisting clients throughout the country with COVID-19 response, including FEMA Public Assistance, CARES Coronavirus Relief Funds, and the American Rescue Plan Act. We develop tailored solutions to maximize your community’s reimbursement.
Who is eligible to apply?
- Cities and towns
- Counties
- Special purpose districts
- State agencies
- Federally recognized Indian Tribes
- Private non-profit (PNP) organizations
- PNP hospitals

What is eligible for reimbursement?
- Actions taken to save lives and protect public health and safety
- Complies with federal, state, and local laws and regulations
- Actions taken at the direction of local public health entities
- Credits - Insurance proceeds, salvage value, purchase discounts (no duplicate benefits)
- Project worksheets (PWs) must be a minimum of $3,300 (Federal FY 20)

What makes a reimbursement eligible?
- Must be disaster related
- Conducted in the designated disaster area
- Be applicant's legal responsibility
- Not funded by a federal agency
24/7 Emergency Line: 1-833-READY-iP (732-3947)